Legendary Legacy Interviews,

Games, Video Clips, & Photos

The toughness and skill that came from that tribe of women ruggers have helped me excel in my career, one that is predominantly a male-dominated field. Those women and the game of rugby have helped me feel confident in my abilities and have helped me to become a strong leader.
— Kellie Barhight, '00
The sense of camaraderie keeps me coming back to play. The most beautiful part of rugby on this campus is that anyone from any background could be able to play rugby if they are willing to try. It’s high contact but it is such a big way to relieve the stress and pressure we all have from our lives on the Hill. I’m so grateful that rugby exists here, that rugby was able to get me where I needed to be physically and take a chance on me.
— Lilian Lu '26

Past & Present

in Conversation

Alumni and current players chat about favorite moments, on-the-field highlights, and how Norwich Rugby has stayed with them.

Being part of this group of close-nit, supportive and dependable people (men’s & women’s ruggers alike) had such an impact on me...I wouldn’t change a thing. I could talk about our successes but to me it’s more about how the sport and more importantly my teammates made me a better person.
— Casey Swasey Fielder '91

Legendary Legacy

Photo Archives

The sisterhood of Norwich Women’s Rugby over 40 years in photos. Click on any photo to view the entire photo archives. Add your photos to the archives!

Legendary Legacy

Video Archives

Archival playlist of past games, interviews, highlights, and memorable rugby moments. Click play to watch and select other videos to watch from the playlist in the top right corner. Add your videos to the playlist!

The rugby team was the first time I felt like I belonged to something. It still makes me emotional. It was the first place I felt like I belonged and no one judged. Everyone was accepted for who they were and where they came from and that’s stayed with me. To this day, this team is a huge part of me.
— Jessie Garcia '95

Audio Interviews

What’s stuck with me long after graduating? It is the empowerment, the feeling that I can do anything. If I can get out there, take a hit, if I’m going to get back up and keep going, then I can do anything.
— Jennifer Johnson, '93